Monday, March 24, 2008

Malam Sanggar Sanjung

hmmm .. i didnt wrote anything yet since last year..

i dont know why i dont write..hehehe

so today i just wanna tell u a story about my college anual dinner..

the place where i stay now is call KOLEJ TUN GHAFAR BABA.. or KTGB

it is a place where just guys live in it.. no girls allowed unless u r the cleaner...
the anual dinner is call MALAM SANGGAR SANJUNG

it is a nite to give up awards and eat a very decent food and dishes..

the guys rearrange the table and the mc is practising...

me doing the backdrop....and the guys doing the rehersel..

the final touch...
the guest...

the kompang guys...pang pang kompang... and the iranian who brought the bunga manggar and bunga telor...

the iranian..and the indonesian
hmmm forget to tell that my college have alot of international students..
those are among of them..
to be continued...

1 comment:

Restnrileks said... hows the ceremony berjalan? semuanyer okay ker? harap2 arrrr okay..

orait laaa tuuuu guna warna2 cam tu..

ni tgh sibuk hkk. 27 nak kena settle.

tired laaa banyak kerja lately. :(