Sunday, October 5, 2008

about love

love is like roses
it look beautiful but can be painfull if u touch the torn accidentally

love is like the cloud
sometimes it is so bright that make us feel good
and sometimes it can be dark, cloudy n raining
can make us sad

love is like the rainbow
so colourfull and pretty
but it does fades away and we cant feel it
it just fills with emotion

love is like the water
we want to hold alot with both our hand
but it we only just can have as much as we can hold on to
sometimes most of it drop from our fingers

love is like the wind
it feel so breezy and cozy
but it just for a while
unless u got it from the spinning fan
not from the open air

love is like the day
it can be light up with the sun
and can be dark and we hv to say goodbye to the shines

love is so precious
that no things are enough to compare it with

so cherish the love u have all the time
even it is as small as what u have
dont ignore the love or else u will regret it
coz love sometimes appear when u didnt realize it

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