Thursday, September 4, 2008

bring my babies home

my sister n nieces play with my baby hamster.. they are 2 month old now

so cute while eating kuaci ...right?

this is the mother hamster..we dont play with her anymore coz she bites...

the new hamster house got a tunnel to upper level.. it have 3 level..just like a bungalow..

the compartment to sleep...

i brought home all my hamster..i hv 2 adult hamster ..1 is male and one is female.. and 5 babies already.. but i didnt hv names for the babies yet..


bozzobattousai said...

salam singgah,
i used to keep a hamster as pet but he died last year cos of old age....
thought of getting a new baby but i just don,t have the time....

paperclip said...

hye bozzobattousai
thanks for commenting
yeah hamster die after 2 or 3 years right?
mine is new
the babies r just 2 month
n they r so cute